Hello world!

Hey there! My name is Jennifer Rose! This whole blogging thing is completely new to me, but I wanted to cross it off my Bucket List. So, here I am!

Before we jump into anything I want to introduce myself. I am your average 27 year old. I am the proud Mother of Monster. Monster is 3 years old and you will be reading a lot about our adventures. 🙂 I am a presenter with Younique and JIC. Don’t know what those are? Ask me! I love talking about my businesses! I live on a small farm in southwestern Pennsylvania. I am one of 10 children. I have been with the love of my life for 7 years. 🙂 I am completely random and love it! I feel that I am in the prime of my life! Hoping to take #blessourmesstakeone to the top!

You’re going to find a lot of fun stuff in this blog. Some days you’ll read about my adventures with Monster, crossing things off my bucket list, my oh-so-loveable job and just the creative side of me. I hope you take the time to read every post and spend a few minutes inside my life.

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